wide eyed.

the thought occured to me today that in two months to the day, i will be moved into johnson hall yet again. it's bizzare to think i'll be making that trip down 75 that i know all too well, once more. and that i'll be unloading my life yet again into the bubble. i never thought i'd be revisiting this chapter in life and adding to it's pages. but i find myself excited for the opportunity to do things differently and to do them right. and the perks of seeing familiar faces brings a smile to my face.

i've also realized that the next two months will be a bit overwhelming. it looked as if i was going to be able to get out of debt (except for college loans) and take a nice chunk of change back with me to school. but almost in true outer banks fashion that isn't so. i saw a job completely disappear, another cut back almost all of my hours but thankfully my steady job remains somewhat the same. and because of the summer schedule i have besides work i must accept the fact that i might not be able to take much money, if any, back with me to school. i have a week left in june to work, only two weeks in july to work and one in august. that's it. kinda scares me. cause i have to have money to get me back to ohio, planning on a trip to cedar point with my best friends (a last hurrah before they both get married), i need funds to get me to school, money to get me back to ohio for a few days a week into school to see one of the said best friends get married, i want to go to the national workers convention, etc. i see no way the money is going to be there but.... i have faith. yes i'm afraid but deep down i keep looking up. somehow things always work out. it takes a whole lot of patience but it'll be okay. but if you'd like to pray for me about these things, i'd appreciate it.

as i think about what's happening in the next few months i'm feeling bitter sweet. i prefer to feel that way. i don't want to feel heavily swayed either direction. i'm ready to leave the outer banks but it won't come without a lot of tears. i find myself bonding with a handful of amazing high school girls who i'm going to miss so much. not to mention living in this house with my awesome roomate. i'm going to miss EVERYONE so much. i'm excited to be home in ohio for a few weeks though. i never see my home folk enough. but i'm equally excited to hit the road for school and the adventure that lies ahead.

it's all happening so fast.