catching a moment out of the sun

while i'm waiting to meet up with a friend for lunch i figured i had some time i post some more about camp.

one of the most impactful moments for me was when they had the altar call. now as i've said before, these things make me nervous. i've listened to many conversations over the past year about "salvation" and it's made me take a step back and see what i really believe about what it means and when it means we become followers. honestly i've become quite jaded in my ideas of what it is. so again, just like in the moment with the girls, i checked my heart. as i watched teens venture up to the stage making vows that they were going to start living their lives for the Lord i said to myself, "who am i to judge whether or not this is when it really sticks for these kids?! i need to rejoice in the fact that there's at least one teen whose life is changing from here on out and i need to rejoice right along side them. besides, wasn't it a similar experience when i finally got serious about God?"

i watched one of my junior high pres girls walk up there. when it was time for us all to lay hands on them and pray i made sure to be standing near her and a few of my other girls from my group that were making the same commitment. after we all prayed and lifted our heads i glanced around to see who was praying and who was sitting down. i noticed one of my high school pres guys standing behind my pres girl. i kept checking his face to determine whether he was praying for her or if he had went up to make the commitment. i was pretty certain he was already a christian so i waited till we all dismissed to go over to him to find out. as he walked toward me his face was beaming. "when i saw her walk up there, i almost started crying." i wanted to hug him so hard. a few minutes later my pres girl walked up to me and asked to speak privately. as we talked i brought up what he had told me and she said that she had felt a hand on her back and when she looked up he was smiling so big. it makes my heart swell to know that the older teens are right there ready to lift up the younger teens and get so excited in their growth. that was a big moment for me. i'm so blessed to just witness it. gosh i love teenagers and their passion for Jesus. it's so insanely refreshing.